Don’t forget to eat liver occasionally as it is very affordable and nutritious.
Nutrition Tip – Assimilation of Minerals
Always use butter to cook/serve vegetables for best assimilation of minerals from the greens.
Nutrition Tip – Making Stock
Make stock at least once a week. Fish stock cost very little (your fish monger may give fish carcasses for free) and are full of nourishment and have protein-sparing effect. So, you can get by with little meat in your diet when you use properly made stock.
Use congealed fat from stocks for cooking too.
Nutrition Tip – Butter/Lard vs Margarine
Always buy/use butter or a small amount of lard… yes!… LARD!
Margarine and shortening may cost less but it’s a false economy, one that leads to numerous diseases.
Nutrition Tip – Make Your Own Salad Dressing
Most average commercial dressings contain rancid vegetable oils, trans fatty acids and additives so make your own salad dressing.
1-Minute Basic Dressing (3/4 cup)
- 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
- 2 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon raw wine vinegar
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon expeller-expressed flax oil
Mix the mustard and vinegar in a small bowl. While mixing, add the olive oil in a thin stream.
When the oil is well mixed, add flax oil and use immediately.
Nutrition Tip – Organic Oatmeal
Don’t buy boxed breakfast cereals, even those made of whole grains. They are pricey, tend to be poor in nutrients (highly processed) and difficult to digest. One serving of good quality organic oatmeal costs half the amount of the average boxed cereals and is definitely more nutritious. For best nourishment, soak your oatmeal overnight! Once soaked, it takes less than 5 minutes to cook. Add natural sweeteners like Rapadura, raw honey, sea salt, chopped nuts or dried sweetened coconut meat for taste.